API Operations

On the stac-api vm, the github repo https://github.com/cyverse-gis/cyverse-stac has been cloned to the vm directory /home/ubuntu/cyverse-stac. Editing or adding new content to the API is done through this repo in Github.

Image title

To add new collections to the API, you would add a new directory under /catalogs. Within this new directory you would add a collection.json file and index.geojson file that were created by the STAC_creation_latest.ipynb.

Additionally, you will need to edit api_collections.txt file found at /cyverse-stac within the repo. Add a single line the mimics the previous lines, but has the name of the directory you created in /catalogs

This edits should be done in the Github repo, not directly on the vm.

Changes that you make to the github repo will be pulled into the vm automatically. This is accomplished by using a cronjob. There is shell script called update_and_restart.sh in the repo that specifies: 1. Look for differences between github repo and repo on vm. 2. If there are differences, then pull the changes from github. 3. Restart the docker-compose that creates the STAC API. On the vm, the shell script has been programmed to run every 5 minutes using the crontab.

While logged into the stac-api vm:

cd /home/ubuntu/stac-fastapi/

# To edit the crontab
crontab -e

#The command to run the shell script every 5 minutes and output results to log file
*/5 * * * * /home/ubuntu/stac-fastapi/update_and_restart.sh >> /home/ubuntu/cyverse-stac/cron_log_file.log 2>&1

If the cronjob is not working, then you can log into the stac-api vm and do things manually

cd /home/ubuntu/cyverse-stac
git pull

cd /home/ubuntu/stac-fastapi/
docker-compose restart

If the restart doesn't work, then you can try to stop and start the docker-compose

cd /home/ubuntu/stac-fastapi/
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

Last update: 2024-03-21